Greetings, fellow earthlings.
Rocking to boot the world is an essential element of happiness, but... one has to put food on the table. Would you agree?
People do different things, and I do what I can do to satisfy the necessary part of being in this world - responsibility, and the livelihood and protection of my offspring
How odd it would see for me to ask you to support me in that venture without anything to give, right?
But I'm giving. Some people may say that I give them response through the music I write, compose and put out for you to enjoy. Others may say that the music gives them peace and tranquility. Whatever it is, it's something, and it has worth. It has worth because you give it worth, and for that, I appreciate you.
Surely, you can consider rewarding the effort of musical creativity you find worth of your time to enjoy, right? I hope so, because it would honor me greatly if you do.
Cheers and live long and prosper,
Liam, your Space Cowboy